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Celebrating 50 Years of Indonesia-Netherlands Legal Cooperation

Thank you!

On 17 October 2019, familiar and new faces joined us at the Netherlands Supreme Court to celebrate 50 years of legal cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

With this message, we would like to thank you for your attendance and for your ongoing (or more recent) efforts in building and maintaining the special relationship between both countries. As Minister Grapperhaus rightfully mentioned: ”You are the trailblazers of the cooperation. Looking into the future, we should cherish this unique bond and continue working together”.

This newsletter provides you with a recap of the most interesting outcomes and fresh ideas for the next years. We hope you enjoyed the celebrations as much as we did!

Forum event – Legal certainty

“It is always about the people.’’ With this strong message National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, Reinier van Zutphen, kicked-off a forum on 50 years of legal cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands. This event was organized by CILC and the Supreme Court of the Netherlands on 17 October 2019. The forum focused on legal certainty, a recurrent topic over the past decades. When talking about legal certainty, we started by putting the perspective and interests of the citizens at the core. At the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves: ‘’was it fair, did we treat people right and are they served justly?’’

President of the Netherlands Supreme Court

In his speech, Maarten Feteris, President of the Netherlands Supreme Court emphasized the warm relationship with the Supreme Court of Indonesia and thanked his colleague Mr. Agung for joining us and closing the forum event.

Speech by president of the Supreme Court

“Let us imagine a society in which there is no legal certainty at all. A society in which decisions of government officials and judicial decisions are essentially unpredictable, are often contradictory to each other and also arbitrary. In such a situation, it is unclear which rules will actually be applied and enforced. Most probably, this is not the kind of society you would prefer to live in. Perhaps it is attractive for a few people who are in power, the decision makers who can decide according to their own will and mood. It is certainly not a society that is very attractive for investors”.

With this strong, imaginative story, Maarten Feteris kicked-off his speech during the forum event on 17 October 2019 at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. This forum was organized to celebrate 50 years of legal cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

Youth workshop – The future is now, own it!

”To continue the legal cooperation in the years to come, we need to involve the youth of today”. Watch this and other takeaways in the visual recap of the youth workshop which was held on 16 October 2019 at CILC Meeting & Training, or read our news item.

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