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Meeting with new Prosecutor-General

Public Prosecutor of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ljupcho Kocevski, received the representatives of the Project “EU Support for Strengthening the Fight against Smuggling Migrants and Human Trafficking in the Western Balkans (EU4FAST)”, led by Eric Vincken, Deputy Director from the Dutch Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC).

Vincken, together with the International Prosecutor Advisor from Slovenia, Alenka Ranzinger Sagmajster, National Advisor, Zoran Dodevski, and Legal Advisor from the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), Mila Stankovic, presented the priorities of the project, which operates with an office in the premises of the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office for Prosecuting Organized Crime and Corruption.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office is among the key institutions – beneficiaries of the project which started its implementation in June 2023 and will last for 48 months. The project is focused on a comprehensive approach enabling the strengthening of capacities for prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnership in the fight against human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

Within this project, several activities have been implemented so far, including direct assistance in providing evidence in specific cases, a study visit of prosecutors from the PPO GOKK to the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office in Slovenia and other Slovenian institutions, as well as preparatory activities for establishing a hearing room for children – victims/witnesses of human trafficking and migrant smuggling in the PPO OCC.

Public Prosecutor Kocevski expressed his gratitude for the support received from this project so far and expressed confidence that cooperation activities will intensify even more in the next period.

Eric Vincken
Deputy Director, Management

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