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Last updated on 21 Jan 2025

Innovative Approaches to Migration-Related Organised Crime

The IAMROC project aims to enhance the identification of key players involved in serious migration-related crimes in the countries of the Central Mediterranean Route (CMR). It seeks to facilitate interventions under criminal or other laws, disrupt their business models, and end impunity for these key players.
Ethiopia, Kenya
02/09/2024 - 30/04/2027

Project details
Project lead:
Donor programme:
Migration Partnership Facility
Project type:

Total budget:
€ 1,910,054.14

Project team
Damir Hadzic
Senior Project Manager, Project Management
Georgia Canura
Project Officer, Project Management

The IAMROC project aims to enhance the identification of key players involved in serious migration-related crimes in the countries of the Central Mediterranean Route (CMR). It seeks to facilitate interventions under criminal or other laws, disrupt their business models, and end impunity for these key players.

Joint Team Cooperation

A key component of this project is to increase the sharing of information, intelligence and investigative strategies between Joint Team members (Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and the European Migrant Smuggling Centre of Europol) and agree on further cooperation in specific areas.

Meeting room


The second component concerns the capacity building of the law enforcement officers, public prosecutors, and judiciary of the target countries on international legal cooperation and the investigation/prosecution of criminal (financial) offenses related to migrant smuggling. Additionally, the project intends to expand cooperation on criminal, financial and/or manhunt investigations with third parties.

International Investigations

Furthermore, the project aims to enhance the investigations into key players and their networks involved in migrant smuggling and related crimes such as arbitrary detention, unlawful killing, torture, sexual and gender-based violence, human trafficking, and forced labor, as well as the dismantling of such networks on the CMR. To this extent, the project will also commission an expert report on illicit financial flows.

This project is awarded and contracted in the framework of the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF), an EU-funded initiative implemented by ICMPD in support of the external dimension of the EU migration policy. Through its grants, the MPF facilitates the execution of projects to strengthen dialogue and
cooperation on migration and mobility between Member States and partner countries outside the EU.

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