Indonesia // Cooperation on fighting crime and terrorism



In October 2014, CILC was granted a NUFFIC project aimed at supporting the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement (JCLEC) – in collaboration with Pusdik Reskrim and Pusdik Intel –  to have the organisational and academic capacity to deliver well trained police officers through a gender sensitive curriculum on transnational crime in intelligence, criminal investigation and the fight against terrorism, to reflect international standards and good practice. Following the approval of an extension, the project is now coming to a close and will end on July 1st 2019.

In May of this year, CILC director Willem van Nieuwkerk travelled to Indonesia to partake in the final steering committee meeting. Present representatives acknowledged that whilst there were some challenges in the beginning, the achieved results are proof of a successful project that could not be achieved without the collaboration of all stakeholders. JCLEC in particular provided continued support and guidance in the execution of this project; especially in coordinating all the activities with Lemdiklat, Pusdik Intel and Diklat Reserse as well as the executing agencies such as D88 and the CID.

Special thanks are also due to Lemdiklat, who supported the project not only by providing the POKJA to review the six curricula, but also guiding and financially supporting the training of 1.800 community police officers in the field of Detection and Intelligence and Early Warning for Terrorism. Another vivid proof of Lemdiklat’s commitment and dedication to the project was their involvement the dissemination of these trainings to 34 Indonesian National Police (INP) Training Schools (SPN).

Some final project activities also took place during this week, including a workshop on gender mainstreaming in training for investigators of narcotics, human trafficking and terrorism, as well as a seminar on capacity building for combatting transnational crime.

The workshop highlighted the importance of gender mainstreaming in all aspects of law enforcement by recalling the cases of Dian Yulia Novi and the 2017 church bombings in Surabaya. That is, everything from perpetrator identification to surveillance and undercover operation must incorporate a female perspective. However, a female perspective is only the beginning. Supporting and promoting the role of women within law enforcement, like female officers, must be given equal importance to that of men.

To that end, one of the components of the project was to ensure that training materials that were developed are in line with human rights, and can address both the needs of male and female police officers. Ibu Ninik from the Indonesian Ombudsman institution was therefore asked to analyse the new curricular, and present her findings and recommendations on their level of gender sensitivity and incorporation of human rights. Whether or not these issues were sufficiently integrated continues to be a work in progress.

The seminar on capacity building for combatting transnational crime was attended by around seventy participants and also representatives from agencies such as the Australian Federal Police, UK Police, Dutch Police, Federal Police (USA) and the Canadian police. Partners shared their experiences with the project and together drafted a set of recommendations and lessons learned to further improve capacity building for delivering training on combatting transnational crime and terrorism in Indonesia. One particular aspect that was discussed was the Learning Management System developed together with the Technology Institute from Bandung for the INP. This new online system will drastically reduce travel and accommodation costs for participants whilst increasing the number of people being trained.

The mission culminated with a visit of the KERIS rooms at Pusdik Intel and Diklat Reserse, of which the constructions are in full swing. The opening of these rooms is expected on June 20th and 21st for Pusdik Intel and Diklat Reserse respectively. Mark Smith, a police training expert from the United Kingdom, noted that these KERIS rooms are “a modern cutting-edge resource which will transform training and skills development.” The rooms will enable JCLEC, in collaboration with Pusdik Reskrim and Pusdik Intel, to effectively deliver the national, gender sensitive curriculum on transnational crime in intelligence and criminal investigation. Mark Smith urges JCLEC to “Start designing scenarios now so that once the facilities are built… [they] can use them immediately and develop key decision-making, problem-solving and communication skills.”

CILC is honoured to have partaken in this project alongside its Dutch, Indonesian and UK partners. We look forward to publishing the results achieved during the past 4,5 years of collaboration. As Mark Smith remarked: “I think it’s important to recognise how successful this project has been. First, six complex curriculum subjects have been updated. Secondly, this has been done mainly through the efforts of the INP, demonstrating both engagement with the project and sustainability promising well for the future. Third, Dutch education colleagues have provided a robust and professional model for further curriculum development. This has resulted in over 2000 students being trained. These are impressive results!”

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