Indonesia // Celebrating cooperation between judicial training centres

Celebrating cooperation between Netherlands and Indonesian judicial training centres

On 13 March 2023, SSR, JTC and CILC conducted the final mission of the Nuffic OKP project. The closure of this project also marked the end of formal cooperation between SSR and the Judicial Training Centre (JTC), which spanned more than a decade. This cooperation started in 2009 and was facilitated under three different funding programmes namely – the National Legal Reform Program (IMF, 2009-2010), the Judicial Sector Support Program (CILC, 2014-2019) and finally the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) funded by Nuffic in two consecutive TMT+ projects.

Both TMT+ projects were managed by CILC and implemented from 2020 – 2023. The projects aimed to further support JTC in updating its training practice, approach and management. While the focus was on the curriculum for candidate judges (PPC), the projects also facilitated the training for sitting judges. Some notable highlights include:

  • Development and delivery of Training Need Analysis in consultation with 40 judges from different provinces in Indonesia. Based on this, three training programmes were selected and delivered namely: decision writing training, ethics and integrity and assessment criteria for candidate judges. These have been the focal point of SSRs, JTC and CILC’s intervention for the past two years.
  • Post-evaluation of the initial candidate judges programme (PPC 2019 -2021). The evaluation was carried out by a working group at JTC with 322 candidate judges, 91 tutors and 69 chief judges in April 2021. The outcome has shaped the training programme and delivery approach at JTC and will continue to inform on how future evaluations are conducted.
  • Development of an assessment system for candidate judges which will be used for many years to come.
  • Development of a decision writing course and modules to be applied also for e-learning.
  • Organisational development through the development of a management information system and the evaluation of JTC’s strategic plan (RENSTRA).
  • Several training sessions on online teaching approaches and e-learning course development.

Please find attached a timeline of the project activities: available here 

On 16 March, CILC closed the TMT+ project ceremoniously at the JTC facility in Ciawi. Speeches were delivered by the Head of JTC (Bambang H. Mulyono), the Head of SSR (Remco van Tooren), the First Secretary of the Dutch Embassy (Mark Hengstman) and the Head of the Civil Chamber of the Mahkamah Agung (Pak Agung Sumanatha).

Each speaker had beautiful words to say about the cooperation.  While recognising the efforts made throughout the years, they acknowledged the fact that JTC has made tremendous progress in remodelling the judicial training programme. It is with confidence that SSR now takes a step back, knowing that JTC will continue to prosper. We join Remco van Tooren (Vice-President of the Board) to thank the core team and experts who have continuously provided expertise and support to this cooperation, this includes Anne Tahapary (Senior Course Manager, International Cooperation), Tonnie Hulman (Project Manager), Sari Seruni (CILC Programme Manager Indonesia) and Peter de Meij (Consultant and Facilitator of Cooperation). We also thank all the experts who have joined SSR and CILC in cooperation with JTC.

The success of this project and many others is also attributed to the confidence, guidance, and support of our donor Nuffic (OKP) and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


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